Sunday, December 31, 2017

Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year!!

Two nights ago for this occasion, we held a party for West Side Young Adults at our apartment!  I still have unpublished material from then, that I was hoping to publish, in a draft post at this blog.

My health was on the upswing at that time (late 2015). Things went down afterwards though, and 2016 was mixed, while ending on a not-so-healthful note.  For much of 2017 - shortly after I started this blog - I was in a hospital.

I was planning to use this blog to track President Donald J. Trump's First 100 Days - but I'm now going to use it to cover current events and politics.  At least, that's the plan.

But for the moment, I wanted to say: Just as I dropped the ball on blogging this year, THE BALL is going to drop, in less than an hour.

Merry CHRISTmas (which it still is!) and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

So, who's it going to be? SCOTUS pick 2017

The last time I blogged on the evening of a SCOTUS pick, I was sitting right here. I IMed Josh Claybourn and Alex Brunk, who had the info which was broken by Erick Erickson. That was in 2005.

So who's it going to be, this time?


I just saw a FB post from Scott Presler suggesting it might be Neil Gorsuch. Is that that case?

Update: Apparently, it's either The Hon. Neil Gorsuch or the Hon. Thomas Hardiman.

PRAY HARD about SCOTUS... It's so powerful.

Monday, January 30, 2017

The Amazing Ruth Malhotra writes Congressman John Lewis (D-GA)

As said in my last (first!) entry here, I'm a bit behind on this blog. This is something I'd wanted to share before the Inauguration, but here it is.

I first learned of Ruth Malhotra when she was on stage at a CPAC, for the College Republicans panel. It was amazing what I soon after found out about Ruth - that one person could accomplish SO MUCH, while a student.

Ruth Malhotra

More recently, Ruth made the news for her refusal to support GOP nominee Donald Trump (as was the case with many Republicans). And even more recently, U.S. Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) was in the news, for his attacks on the legitimacy of the election, and his boycotting the Inauguration.

Ruth happens to be a constituent of the Congressman, and penned this open letter. Check it out:

Dear Congressman John Lewis,

You have been my Representative in Congress for the past 30 years - almost my entire life. As a lifelong citizen in Georgia's 5th District, I've respected your leadership and admired your legacy as a civil rights hero. I have never voted for you, but I have always recognized you as my duly elected Congressman.

Decades ago you fought for a fundamental aspect of democracy itself - the right to vote - and I've always felt a certain sense of awe and gratitude to be represented by someone who played such a pivotal role in America's history. Although many of my political priorities and convictions are very different from yours, I know we share some of the same concerns for the future of our great country.

Because of this, I am deeply saddened to hear that you are planning to boycott Donald J. Trump's Inauguration and I am even more disappointed that you are promoting the idea that he is not "a legitimate president." Such rhetoric is not grounded in reality and is not only irresponsible but dangerous to our democracy.

I did not vote for President-Elect Trump and I do not know exactly what his Administration will bring in the coming months and years - none of us know at this point. But I do know that as citizens we are called to acknowledge and respect all our elected officials, and as government leaders you are charged with working together for the greater good of the nation and demonstrating a peaceful transition of power to the world.

I humbly request you to reconsider your decision to boycott the Inauguration. I suggest that you reverse your rhetoric which is undermining the results of our democratic election process. And I strongly urge you to once again demonstrate uncommon courage in helping America move forward and unite around common goals, while modeling a constructive approach to working collaboratively with a cross-section of voices and views no matter how challenging the road ahead appears. After all, isn't that what America is all about?

Ruth Malhotra [A constituent in Georgia's 5th District]

Ruth was on Fox & Friends to discuss this issue. Check out her appearance here.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

A Little Late

I had wanted to start this blog before heading off to Washington, DC, for these historic Inauguration events. That did not happen, as I had to go out and buy a poncho the night before, in anticipation of possible rain. I did do a video that night though; check it out here:

Special thanks to my father for all he did in helping prepare for this trip. And thanks to U.S. Congressman Rodney Davis (R-IL) for the last minute tickets!

I was also hoping to embed my live Tweets (and those of others attending) into a blog post here. I did start a Twitter List, and you can review some of our thoughts there.

This weblog will cover the very-recent trip to Washington, DC for the 2017 Inauguration festivities, and it will cover the new President's First 100 Days, along with related issues, news, commentary, and events.